젤다의전설 젤다의 전설 스카이워드 소드 HD 일반모드 100% 올클리어2022년 7월 올클~힘든여행모드는 먼 미래에...
젤다의전설 젤다의 전설 꿈꾸는 섬(2019) 하드모드 100% 올클리어2023년 1월에 단페이 마지막 던전들 제외하고 올클했고 2024 6월에서야 모두 올클 완료!
ABAP Basics abap insert update try,catch commit 처리try. if lt_insert is not initial. insert db from table lt_insert. if sy-subrc ne 0. rollback work. return. endif. endif. if lt_update is not initial. update db from table lt_update. if sy-subrc ne 0 rollback work. return. endif. endif. commit work. catch cx_root. rollback work. return. endtry.
ABAP Basics abap open cursor with hold 구문data: lv_cursor type cursor, lt_tmp type table of sflight, lt_sflight type tavle of sflight. open cursor with hold @lv_cursor for select * from sflight. do. clear lt_tmp. try. fetch next cursor lv_curosr into corresponding fields of table lt_tmp package size 10. catch cx_root. endtry. it sy-subrc ne 0. exit. endif. move-corresponding lt_tmp[] to lt_sflight[]. if lines( lt_tmp[] ) < 10. exit. end..
ABAP Basics abap splitdata: lv_data type string, lt_split type string_table. split lv_data at zgfcz_pipe into table lt_split.